Not being a major fan of cities in the first place, I am interested in Sapporo more for it's festivities than the city itself. I came here to see the Yuki Matsuri (or Snow Festival), a festival in which teams from around Japan and the world build breathtaking sculptures of ice and snow across three different locations. I have been looking at various photos of this festival for several years now, always interested and amazed at the visual detail and magnificence of the sculptures, eager to one day make it to see them for myself.
I arrived in Sapporo on a Sunday at around lunchtime, my stomach growling softly in an attempt to make me aware of my hunger. After perusing the incredibly realistic and declicious looking models out the front of the restaurants - displaying what they have on offer with startling accuracy (honestly, your meal looks almost identical to the model) - I lugged my cumbersome pack and overloaded backpack into the restaurant, indicating with a raised finger that I wanted a table for one. At Furano there had been numerous Australians and other foreigners to break up the Japanese conversation, snippets of English conversation being heard here and there... but not in this restaurant, or most of Sapporo for that matter. My lack of fluent Japanese was keenly felt as I sat down to order from a menu mostly written in Kanji, with very few photos. Despite this difficulty, I managed to make my order understood - but I would be lying if I said I was 100% sure that what I ordered was the dish I really wanted.
A bowl of rice topped with unagi (eel), some pickles, a bowl of miso and a beer later I was on my way to the hotel. By this stage it was snowing heavily outside, propelled by a gusty wind that I would wager could come close to being described as "bone chilling". Arriving at the hotel, I was duly informed that I had two hours before my check in. I asked where I could use the internet, hoping to fill in the time I had before check in without braving the snow to much, and the attendant pointed to a terminal in the lobby, saying the word 'furii' (free). Bingo.
Later that evening I decided to head on down to the Apple store and find myself a power adaptor so I could get online and send some emails - embrace my nerdy side and escape the freezing snow. I discovered the snow had eased by that point, but it was still dreadfully cold. I stopped to check my shoddy, hand-drawn map of how to get to the Apple store from the hotel, and carried on walking a few blocks, stumbling - to my surprise - across one of the locations for the Yuki Matsuri.

After weaving my way through the swaths of festival goers, precariously navigating slippery ice-covered ground and wearing an imprint of my finger into the button on my camera, I took a walk down towards Susukino, another of the locations for the festival (I never made it out to the third one, which is a lengthy bus ride away, and from what I'm told more for families). I had read that the Susukino site was best viewed at night, so an early dinner was on the cards.
I set off in search of an area called Ramen Yokocho, a small alleyway full of Ramen shops and supposedly home to some of the best Ramen in Japan! Slowly walking down the alley, the alleyway gave me a quintessential 'I'm in Asia' moment - a narrow alleyway lined with tiny shops, lanterns and small flags, Kanji scra

The remainder of my time in Sapporo was spent exploring the city and just wandering around. I have never been too interested in city sights (museums and the like), so I struggle to find things to interest me. I wanted to go up the Sapporo TV Tower at night and see the Yuki Matsuri from above, but upon arriving at the ticket booth I discovered it was not only 700yen ($12 or so AU) but a half hour wait, in the cold and snow. Needless to say, I ditched that idea and just went for another look at the festival, seeing a few bands performing at the various stages.
I went to the Sapporo Clock Tower, a historic site that is very famous in Japan. The clock tower has been there for over a hundred years, and supposedly has never missed chiming the time on the hour. I had a look inside, read about (some) of the history (most of it was in Japanese, and I could only read tiny bits of it) and saw some photos, then loitered outside to await the chiming of the clock at 3pm. Sure enough, it chimed three times, confirming the fact that it was indeed a clock that chimed on the hour. Riveting.
Alright, so it was somewhat interesting. But only somewhat...
There was another place I was very keen to get to around Sapporo - Hoheikyo Onsen. Their website shows photos of the onsen in each of the seasons and, knowing I was going to be there in winter, I couldn't resist the lure of sitting in a hot spring surrounded by a beautiful, silent winter landscape. After an hour-long bus ride from the center of Sapporo, I arrived at the onsen and went to the counter to collect my ridiculously small towel, along with a towel with which to dry myself afterward.
For those who have never been to an Onsen, or who have no idea what it involves, the basic process is as follows. First, you remove all your clothes in the change room, then make your way into the onsen bathroom - with your tiny towel for modesty, if you can fit it around you. Some people don't bother, some people wrap it around their waist, some people just hold it to cover themselves up. You wash yourself while sitting on a little stool, clean yourself thoroughly with soap and then rinse yourself off. Only once you are clean can you enter the onsen. I bypassed the indoor bath and went straight for the outdoor one. Sitting in the outdoor bath - hot beneath the waterline and cool from the winter breeze above - was very relaxing. Sadly the photo looked a whole lot better than the reality, but I still got to have a nice hot bath in an onsen on a winter's day. Quite the sausage party, but hey, it's only a bath, and that's how it's done in Japan.
After five days in Sapporo, I took a flight to Tokyo... but that's something that will have to wait until another day.
I have loads more photos of the Yuki Matsuri, and a few more of Sapporo. They're all on Facebook, so if you have me on there you can view them via my profile. If you're not on Facebook (kudos) and you want to view them, send me an email or get in touch somehow and I can send you a link.
I kinda remember my year 7 japanese teacher telling me about the shower pre-wash before getting in the hot tub thing. The only other things I remember were that my teacher was really hot and that she wouldn't tell us about Tanooki's until we were in Year 12. Oh, and Toire wa doku desu ka.
What on earth is a Tanooki? :)
Wow Dwight!! some of those ice sculptures are just breathtaking. I can see why you always talked about visiting this place!
Great to hear your 'space potato' adventures are living up to expectations. Hey ... if your stuck for work i reckon you'd have no trouble getting a job as a writer over there... your posts are captivating and entertaining.
Ally and I are off up the north coast on our own 1-2 week adventure :)
Read you soon,
Rich and Ally :)
Thanks guys, glad you're enjoying :) Have a fun time up north! Take some pics :)
Hey Dwight! We had a great time up north - and decided to have a different kind of great time with family and friends next year by having wedding! It won't be for at least 18 months, so hopefully you will be back!
Hope you are having a fabulous time,
Lots of love,
Ally and Rich :-)
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